Sunday, July 3, 2011

What do Ralph Lauren and BBJ Linen Have in Common? How Can They Both Work Hand In Hand to Create a Perfect Looking Event for You?

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Sometimes the secret to a great event and a great looking table is not what you think?

Do you know Ralph Lauren’s story? The Story of Polo?  It’s a beautiful story of passion about fashion, design and love.

What does this have to do with planning your event and table linens?…You will find out in a second…

So Ralph  (we are on a first name basis, a girl can dream!).  Anyway, he started out making ties (not the famous Polo shirts we all still know and love) but ties and he was trying to sell these ties to THE THE major department store of the time). However there was a bit of a glitch in the deal, his dream department store said “ok we will sell your ties, but we want to take your tag off and put ours on” and to add insult to injury they had a few design suggestions that were not the direction he saw for Polo or the ties.

Hmmmm…imagine if Ralph would have sacrificed his vision, that would not have been good, right? You never have to sacrifice your vision, never – not when you are planning your event, or picking your linens or trusting your gut with how you are planning your event or your clients events.

Ralph thought about it …..and said no thank you, soon after that department store copied him. He was devastated!  Ever been beyond devistated about something? Ever been copied? Or find the perfect venue you want is not available, or it Rains on the event day? We have all been there right?

Then something magical happened… an employee of the department store told Ralph

“Ralph, keep going…. your ties have something these don’t”

He continued, “your ties are made with Love and made with a True Passion.”

luckily for us all Ralph kept going!

Well Ralph’s secret ingredient which came from his heart help build his emprire and still to this day its what makes Ralph Lauren the number one designer on the planet!

This ingredient does not show up on a graph and can’t be measured, but we all know its there…

I think we all can learn something from Ralph Lauren, Right?


BBJ Linen Fine Linen Rental Swatches of Tablecloths

We all face competition – in everything right? We are either competing or being competed for – it can be beyond exhausting!

Lots of our clients come to us, bombarded by companies that claim to all do the same thing, trying to nit pick over price. Yes, of course price is important, , but sometimes prices are too low and you will end up paying in the end either in sacrificed quality or mistakes from an unreliable company.

Ralphs story reminded me so much of BBJ Linen’s Story. Ok BBJ Linen is a group effort, but the heart and passion part of it. BBJ Linen was created over a quarter of a century out of the pure unadulterated desire to create beautiful looking tablecloths for at first indivudaulas and soon after corporations throwing events.

Many times new clients find us, they have been pulled and pressured and promised things from other

linen companies, go with your gut.

  • DO you connect with your salesperson?
  • Have you found table linens, napkins, chair covers you really love?
  • Do you trust this company?
  • How is their reputation? Have they been around for a while?

Yes at BBJ we are known for the largest inventory and a very attentive sales team, also  bottom line,

we actually care about you and your events and will go to the ends of the earth to bring your dream tables to life.

BBJ Linen was started with Love and Passion and an insane desire to create the most beautiful looking tables anyone could dream of, we still bring the excitement of this dream to your tables…

We create our linens with love and passion, sure staying on top of the trends and helping to create trends in tabletop fashion is important,  We enjoy helping set the tone for what is new in the table top industry, none of that matters if you are not happy and taken care of.

We Know we provide you with a lot more than table linens, napkins, chair covers, chair ties, we know we are a part of your memories, your weddings, your promotions, your retimrents, your celebrations, your life most treated moments.

Avoid the pitfalls Ralph avoided… want to work with a company that makes cheaper copies or do you want to work with a company that is the original?  And takes pride in quality, care and delivering passion and love to your events.

Be like Ralph, stick with the best, go with your gut, never sacrifice quality and desire for the best. We are so lucky we get to be a part of your life’s moments, thanks so much!

One last thing…Ralph Lauren said it himself “I am not about fashion, I am about Living” hmm something to think about.

He likes to think he helps to create a world, not just a dress….We like to think we help you create the world of your event, not just provide your table linens.

Here is to your amazing looking tables and events!

All the Best,

The BBJ Linen Design Team

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